Panogamy is a style of polyamory. It refers to a fairly monogamous relationship where two people build their lives together but are open to allowing other connections to take whatever form they evolve into. Understanding that human relationships are complex and some connections result in sex and others are less intimate in nature.
Pan derives from Greek mythology. The god, Pan, was known for his wild nature. He commonly appeared in art with Venus and Cupid, both Gods of love. This is thought to imply that ‘love conquers all,’ since Pan in Greek means 'all’.
Gamy derives from the Greek word Gamos meaning marriage.
It differs from hierarchy polyamory in the sense that the couple isn’t searching for other relationships, but concentrating on self-development and acknowledging that connecting with other people is a huge part of growth. It’s acknowledging that one partner may not have the entirety of the insights to help with your self-development.
It acknowledges all the shadows (people’s deepest fears, shames, guilt and the way they react to situations because of them) and how this learning can help with creating a beautiful connected life.
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